Maule mechanic in Mat-su area

Finding a qualified Maule instructor and mechanic in your area. Recommendations, requests etc... Please mention graphic location
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Maule mechanic in Mat-su area

Post by Mauleguywanab »

I need to start thinking about a mechanic for the up coming annual. I know plenty of great mechanics around here but I was not sure if there was anyone that specializes in Maules. This year should be pretty simple. Normal annual except I am hoping to do a few extra things like patrol windows added and the gap seals but I would also like to change all the landing gear bolts before ski season. Next year, I hope to install either floats or the ext gear so I am trying to find a local guru if there is one. Wish I was a bit closer to Fairbanks as the choice would be rather obvious. Maybe Jim should consider snow birding in balmy Palmer Alaska;-)) short of that happening, are there any mechanics that specialize in Maules around here? The mechanic that has been maintianing the plane for 30 years is very good with Maules but I thought I should get a new set of eyes on her for at least one annual.

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