M5 210 Prop HELP!

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M5 210 Prop HELP!

Post by brokenaero »

Maulers and Mauletts,
Does anyone know of, or have a connection to a prop hub for a 210 Cont.
My blades are in great shape and overhauled but the hub failed (corrison)and the prop shop doesn't have or know where there is one. Hence the plea here. The other alternative would be to sell my blades and use that to off set the price of a new prop.(GULP) Any input or ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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Ric Rozum
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Post by Ric Rozum »

If you can post some model and part numbers I can check here in Seattle. We have two prop shops in town.
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M5 210 Prop Help

Post by brokenaero »

I forgot to include the prop numbers. McCauley D2A34C67-NP Made of unobtanium.
Thanks again, untill then....................
417 598-1300
Last edited by brokenaero on Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by northern guide »

Brokenaero - Or is it Broken-prop? :wink: I was in the same fix about 3 years ago and found a rebuilt on this site from a fellow in Ak. But I am still using it! You could always go to the C203 prop that everyone is raving about, I wish I could get one installed here in Canada, and I would sell you my stock prop in a heart beat. Search this furum and you should find the info on the C203. Or give David Wright a call in Maultrie GA he has a stc for a new prop. Wright Aircraft I think if you google it!

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Post by brokenaero »

Hey thanks I'll call him. Part of the problem is I have almost 900 in blade conditioning. So unless I can sell those that's almost another G in the proverbial rat hole. HMMMMM maybe thats the name I'll give the plane.
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Post by aero101 »

That original hub very difficult to find in serviceable condition. Wright Aircraft has STC on the C203 in stock length unless David Wright has updated the STC, which he was talking of doing a year or so ago, or you can do the C203 up to 80" with a field approval which makes huge difference in perfomance? I'd question why prop shop spent so much time reconditioning blades on no good hub? Usually they inspect whole prop, check parts prices and availability before proceding with work? OH well... :cry: The C203 can be bought from McCauley brand new for around $6K if you shop around some...

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Post by Duane »

I can give you Davids phone nr if you need it.

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Post by brokenaero »

Thanks Duane, but I"ve already talked to him.
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Post by brokenaero »

Aero 101,
I wondered about the blade conditioning myself and when asked they had a hub at the time but I wasn't ready for it not knowing the scarcity of these things.
I thought the blades were the hard thing to find not the hub. Apparently the whole thing is made of unobtanium. Anyone out there running the prop that Aero is talking about?
Does anyone have a copy of their field approval. It used to set a precedence for the next guy to get one. Anyone know what a set of yellow tag blades are worth? I've
been talking to a gentleman about his hub with bent blades, but of course the question is "a serviceable hub"
Much to ponder................
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Post by RT »

Those blades are hard to find so should be worth high dollor if you find somebody that is in dire need for them.

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Post by brokenaero »

Thanks RT,
Don't really want to "dire" someone, just trying to put some sugar on an otherwise bitter pill. LOL
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Post by m5210guy »

I have a hub off of my 210 .The blades were bent beyond repair so I had to buy a whole new prop at the time .
I don't know if this hub is servicable or not .I would be willing to ship it to you if you pay for the shipping and if it's good we can work out a price .

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Post by aero101 »

I've done a few of the field approvals on the C203 and do have copies of paperwork if you decide to go longer. It does have to go thru FSDO then they ship to ACO as it requires a Flight Manual Supplement and the engineers have to bless it. I think there is someone in ANC (Yellowmaule) looking for a C203 and suspect his old prop would probably be for sale if and when one is found? It's not so much the prop materials, etc, it's just obsolete and very low demand so they're no longer made from what I understand... The C203 was actually used on the IO360 STC conversion at 82" on the Stinson 108 and is not shown on the prop TCDS, but whoever did STC had to have the vib survey, etc, etc... Good luck hunting!! :lol:

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Post by Ric Rozum »

A guy here in town has 2 that will interchange. Call Don at 253.770.7400.
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Post by brokenaero »

Hey Ric , thanks for the tip. I talked to him after your post and we have been communicationg. Just wanted to say I'm grateful for your time.
I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; and that His justice cannot sleep forever.-- T. Jefferson

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