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4 point harness installation

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:12 pm
by crbnunit
I have a '73 M-4 and want to install shoulder harnesses. I picked up a set of the Amsafe harnesses like these ... rness.aspx and would like ideas on how best to install them. Pictures would be great!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:32 pm
by Sam Rutherford
I have ordered a four point from Maule - same question.

In fact, specifically - where do the shoulder straps run, and where do we fit the retractor for the shoulder strap?

Thanks! Sam.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:26 am
by Kirk
Sam Rutherford wrote:I have ordered a four point from Maule - same question.

In fact, specifically - where do the shoulder straps run, and where do we fit the retractor for the shoulder strap?

Thanks! Sam.
The 4 point shoulder harnessess and retractor fit onto the rear spar carry through. Basically, above and behind each front seat. If it was fitted for that at the factory, there will be a tab welded to the rear spar carry through.

If not, a bolt on attachment can be ordered from Maule. Great care must be taken to not let it interfere with control cables (aileron as I recall). Parts Dept. Maule can give you guidance on that.

I steered away from the 4 or 5 point installation even though I would have preferred it. My fuselage already had the fittings for the 3 point, which David Wright pointed out to me and the cost savings were significant going that way.


Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:30 am
by Duane

Did you get the bolt-on version or the weld-in? Either way, you should get the print for installing them with it. If you didn't or don't, shoot Barry a email and he can send them in pdf format. Bryan is out hunting today and wont be back till Mon.

have a great weekend


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:35 am
by Sam Rutherford
Got them, but no printout!

My mechanic is worried about the proximity to the cables - has anyone had problems with this?

Thanks, Sam.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:34 am
by crbnunit
I have it. If you will PM me your email address, I'll send it to you. However, it is just a drawing on the part. There are not really any installation instructions... And they shorted me a bolt. I am also kind of scratching my head as to how I am going to adapt my three bolt reel mount to the Maule bracket.