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Personal flying max's (gusty wind / x-wind)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:43 am
by Scott
What's your max? I like to hear what other Maule drivers of different skill levels find their max conditions for flight in windy /gusty conditions.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 8:15 am
by UtahMaule
The key word is "personal".

I was out yesterday in 17 gusting 30 straight across the runway. I landed and took off into the wind though. I like to go fly in that stuff here at home, I think it is good practice for when you really need it one day.

Re: Personal flying max's (gusty wind / x-wind)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:14 pm
by Tapiola
Scott wrote:What's your max? I like to here what other Maule drivers of different skill levels find is the max conditions for flight in windy /gusty conditions.
Scott: Just got back from doing 16 hrs with Rick Geiger in Cut Bank MT. We just about covered the whole gamut of short field/soft field/hi wind/ x-wind/gusty wind etc. landings & TO's in his Maule M7 160. Final day I nailed a paced out <200ft landing on a 10ft wide x 800ft grass strip with 18G28kts x-wind at 60degrees. My own/home runway is 800ft!! Spend time with someone with thousands of hrs in a Maule, and you learn.....muchly!! Worth every penny!!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:36 pm
by crbnunit
I don't know about crosswind but I got a measured 125' landing today. Of course that was with about a 20kt headwind! GPS said my touch down speed was 28kts!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:45 am
by Mountain Doctor
I fly a Trigear so YMMV :P .

I have no issues with 15 kts direct crosswind and have landed with over 20kts direct crosswind no troubles. It is very windy where I live so I made it a point to deliberatly go up on windy days and travel to nearby airports with crosswind runways to specifically practive on the runway that was perpindicular to the wind.