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I checked my cows

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:31 pm
by plowboy
looked at the solar water tank, it was full. And seen where they were all hanging out. It took 15 minutes. On the ground it takes 1/2 day and you don't get to see them all.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:23 am
by DeltaRomeo
A drone would be cheaper to operate...

But not near as fun!

Don't know what your Maule has but with the O-360 and burning 7.5 to 8 gph we're getting 17 mpg. That is a whole lot better than what I get in the truck.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:53 am
by gbarrier
It's a fine farm implement. Sometime I have to go out and just check how much the pine trees have grown.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:39 pm
by DeltaRomeo
If for some reason you need to land for a closer inspection, the calves and heifers will always be in that spot. Sure, they'll scamper off if you buzz them, but they always come right back to the same spot again by the time you get back around. Horses think this is a game too.

Once you walk away from the plane, they want to rub on it and "taste" it :shock: (Yep, got that T-shirt, too).

But we still do it again anyway...
It's still the best way to check on things that are a good distance apart.